Thursday, September 13, 2012

Everyone freak out and unfriend me NOW...

...because it's time to post about what I would change in Guild Wars 2. Yes, I said CHANGE. :-O

I'm gonna start by saying that I really love Guild Wars 2 (and ArenaNet as a company) thus far, so hopefully no rabid fanatics -- or zombies, though, I really don't know why they would care whether or not I like GW2 -- will eat my face while I sleep.

Now that I have declared my love for the game, and my appreciation for its creators, I am going to list the things that I have noticed so far in the game that I would personally like to see changed.  DISCLAIMER: I understand that everything that has been done, has been done for a reason.  These are all just my personal desires and are solely based on my own experiences up to level 30.

I want:
  • "Target of Target" display option for the UI and...
  • A more customizable UI!
  • DX11, please.
  • Some kind of indicator (whether a bar like WoW, or LoTRO-style swirls at feet) for when a mob is inducting a skill.  Animations are cool, but are often covered up by tons of other people's animations.
  • Return to Waypoint at death shouldn't cost money when you already are going to pay for repairs, too.  And speaking of waypoints...
  • And I miss having a "home" location to map to.
  • Person to person Trade option would be nice, especially since the mail system fails a lot.
  • /follow !!!
  • Being able to set an AFK tag.
  • More/better town clothing options. Go ahead and put them in the store, even, ArenaNet, I'd buy them!
  • More emotes please!  /scold  /sigh
  • I want to be able to change appearance after creation.  My ranger needs a new 'do!
  • Character name changes would be swell, too.
  • I know this was mostly unique to LoTRO, but I would LOVE to see an in-game music system.  Bands are fun!
  • When transforming into something other than yourself for a quest, it would be awesome if I liked playing it rather than missing my own, much more effective, skills.
  • A more robust Guild Roster display, with player note options.
  • Food (which costs a LOT to make) should have a vendor price.
  • I'd like to be able to "preview" items from the Trading Post.  I've not bought several things because of the lack of this feature.
  • Guild Bank should function like all other banks and vaults and have preview option, too.
  • When you complete a puzzle that opens a magical item revealing a CHEST, you should be able to click on it and get loots.  Instead, after playing this underwater pipe organ over and over, I had to be content with the fact that I made a nice, old quaggan lady happy...

If any of these things are already in the game, and I somehow missed them, please let me know and feel free to call me a n00b!

And, once again, I want to stress the point that I am truly enjoying this game so far, and the above changes would just be the cherry on top of the tasty sundae that is GW2.

So, be brave with me... what would YOU change or add?


  1. Yes to all... I can add examples of doing it right... but no new ideas on what else... which is shocking but awesome.

    I think they took a half step with the circles on the ground where effects are... looking at the way they do induction/area of attack on TSW is brilliant, and in a game where you are expected to dodge... well... its only fair.

    Also, I've played Batman: Arkham City... I no longer accept that "difficult" is a valid reason not to have avatars interact... if I can realistically head butt one guy, vault off his shoulders, and land... knees first... on a second guys face... I think Arena net can figure out /slap and /hug

    Oh... there is one that I hated about LotRO, and see it here also... if the Trading Post price - the transaction fee is LOWER than the vendor price, pop up a message telling the user that their transaction is obvious market terrorism, and all their money will be forfeited until they take a course in basic economics. Or math.

  2. I agree with your entire list, and would add:

    • Give us the ability to jump when transformed via quest or tonic.
    • Mounts.
    • I want to be able to create custom chat channels. This would be especially useful when you have friends you want to be able to chat with in-game, but they're representing a different guild than you are.
    • A /who or similar feature to find people/guilds would be great.
    • Mounts.
    • I'd like to be able to apply dyes to weapons in addition to armor.
    • The ability to change the chat whisper sound! It does in fact play a sound when you send or receive a whisper/tell, but it is so innocuous and low that unless you're somewhere in-game that is practically silent (which is pretty much nowhere) you very easily miss the sound.
    • Mounts.
    • More skill information available from the start. As it stands, there's a lot of skill information that you can't see until you "unlock" that tier of abilities. Why? Why not let us see what ALL of the abilities are from the outset? This leads into the next one...
    • More information about EVERYTHING. There are so many little things in the game that have absolutely no documentation, tutorials, references, etc. While the wiki is useful, and there are plenty of sites with GW2 information out there, I feel like I shouldn't have to alt-tab out of the game in order to figure out how transmutation stones work...or the trait system...or crafting discovery...and so on.
    • MOUNTS.

  3. @Teufelaffe It may seem like a strange place to go, but if you enter the Sctructured PvP hub ("Heart of the Mists") via the crossed-swords tab of your Hero screen. You'll have access to all your skills and abilities and there tooltips. No need to actually enter a PvP battleground or anything. I can't help with the crafting, transmutation, etc. But then, this is something I see complained about in just about every MMO I've played, there is not enough information about systems inside the game interface.

    @Bridget, I totally agree that there are enough emotes in the game. Not even /kiss or /hug? WTH?

    Oh and I strongly recommend you drop the captcha from your comment system.

    1. I didn't even know I had captcha on for comments! I *think* that's fixed now.
